Download | Plain Text | Line Numbers

--- html/	2010-05-24 18:34:26.000000000 +0200
+++ html/	2010-05-24 18:40:33.000000000 +0200
@@ -1293,4 +1293,6 @@
   return false;
+require_once($confixx_homeDir . '/');
--- /dev/null	2012-02-21 15:24:06.016184274 +0100
+++	2012-09-24 14:02:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * get all destination from email: $user@$domain of $customer on $serverid
+ */
+function email_get_destination($user, $domain, $customer, $serverid)
+  if ($user instanceof SQLString)
+    $user = $user->GetValue();
+  if ($domain instanceof SQLString)
+    $domain = $domain->GetValue();
+  if ($customer instanceof SQLString)
+    $customer = $customer->GetValue();
+  $dbres = safe_query2("
+    SELECT fwd.pop3
+    FROM email e
+      JOIN email_forward fwd
+      ON (e.ident = fwd.email_ident AND e.kunde = fwd.kunde AND e.server_id = fwd.server_id)
+    WHERE e.prefix = ? AND e.domain = ? AND e.kunde = ? AND e.server_id = '".$serverid."'",
+    new SQLString($user),
+    new SQLString($domain),
+    new SQLString($customer)
+  );
+  $result = array();
+  while($row = db_fetch_array($dbres))
+    $result[] = $row['pop3'];
+  return $result;
+ * reverse of email_get_destination
+ * returns all mail addresses that forwards to $user
+ */
+function email_get_source($user, $domain, $customer, $serverid)
+  if ($user instanceof SQLString)
+    $user = $user->GetValue();
+  if ($domain instanceof SQLString)
+    $domain = $domain->GetValue();
+  if ($customer instanceof SQLString)
+    $customer = $customer->GetValue();
+  $email = (empty($domain)) ? $user : $user . '@' . $domain;
+  $dbres = safe_query2("
+    SELECT e.prefix, e.domain
+    FROM email e
+      JOIN email_forward fwd
+      ON (e.ident = fwd.email_ident AND e.kunde = fwd.kunde AND e.server_id = fwd.server_id)
+    WHERE fwd.pop3 = ? AND e.kunde = ? AND e.server_id = '".$serverid."'",
+    new SQLString($email),
+    new SQLString($customer)
+  );
+  $result = array();
+  while($row = db_fetch_array($dbres))
+  {
+    $result[] = array(
+      'prefix' => $row['prefix'],
+      'domain' => $row['domain']
+    );
+  }
+  return $result;
+ * walks back the email address to its origin (may be muliple)
+ * format:
+ *   array(
+ *     array('u1@dom', 'u1fwd1@dom', 'u1fwd2@dom', 'dest@dom'),
+ *     array('u2@dom', 'u2fwd1@dom', ...),
+ *     ...
+ *   )
+ */
+function email_walkback($user, $domain, $customer, $serverid, $routes = array())
+  if ($user instanceof SQLString)
+    $user = $user->GetValue();
+  if ($domain instanceof SQLString)
+    $domain = $domain->GetValue();
+  if ($customer instanceof SQLString)
+    $customer = $customer->GetValue();
+  $email = (empty($domain)) ? $user : $user . '@' . $domain;
+  /* add the looked up address to the route too */
+  if (empty($routes))
+    $routes[] = $email;
+  $sources = email_get_source($user, $domain, $customer, $serverid);
+  /* if address has no more sources (= forwards to this address) return the route */
+  if (empty($sources))
+    return array($routes);
+  $result = array();
+  foreach($sources as $source)
+  {
+    $routescpy = $routes;
+    array_unshift($routescpy, $source['prefix'] . '@' . $source['domain']);
+    $tmpres = email_walkback($source['prefix'], $source['domain'], $customer, $serverid, $routescpy);
+    if (is_array($tmpres[0]))
+      $result = array_merge($result, $tmpres);
+    else
+      $result[] = $tmpres;
+  }
+  return $result;
+ * walks the email address to its destination (may be multiple)
+ * format:
+ *   array(
+ *     array('f1@dom', 'f2@dom', 'dest1@dom'),
+ *     array('f1@dom', 'f3@dom', 'dest2@dom'),
+ *     ...
+ *   )
+ */
+function email_walkforward($user, $domain, $customer, $serverid, $routes = array())
+  if ($user instanceof SQLString)
+    $user = $user->GetValue();
+  if ($domain instanceof SQLString)
+    $domain = $domain->GetValue();
+  if ($customer instanceof SQLString)
+    $customer = $customer->GetValue();
+  $email = (empty($domain)) ? $user : $user . '@' . $domain;
+  /* add the looked up address to the route too */
+  if (empty($routes))
+    $routes[] = $email;
+  $dests = email_get_destination($user, $domain, $customer, $serverid);
+  if (empty($dests))
+    return array($routes);
+  $result = array();
+  foreach($dests as $dest)
+  {
+    $routescpy = $routes;
+    array_push($routescpy, $dest);
+    list($dest_user, $dest_domain) = explode('@', $dest . '@', 2);
+    $tmpres = email_walkforward($dest_user, $dest_domain, $customer, $serverid, $routescpy);
+    if (is_array($tmpres[0]))
+      $result = array_merge($result, $tmpres);
+    else
+      $result[] = $tmpres;
+  }
+  return $result;
+ * simple loop detection algorithm:
+ * - walk back the source address to its origins
+ * - walk forward the destination address to its final destinations
+ * - if an email address appears in both arrays we have a loop
+ *
+ * returns the found mail loops as array
+ */
+function email_checkloop($source_user, $source_domain,
+  $dest_user, $dest_domain, $customer, $serverid)
+  $origins = email_walkback($source_user, $source_domain, $customer, $serverid);
+  $dests = email_walkforward($dest_user, $dest_domain, $customer, $serverid);
+  $result = array();
+  foreach($origins as $origin)
+  {
+    $loop = array();
+    foreach($dests as $dest)
+    {
+      $intersect = array_intersect($origin, $dest);
+      if (empty($intersect))
+        continue;
+      $loop[] = $source_user . '@' . $source_domain;
+      for($i = 0; $i < count($dest); ++$i)
+      {
+        $loop[] = $dest[$i];
+        if ($dest[$i] == current($intersect))
+          break;
+      }
+      /* start at index of intersection of origin */
+      for($i = key($intersect) + 1; $i < count($origin); ++$i)
+      {
+        $loop[] = $origin[$i];
+        if ($origin[$i] == $s[0] . '@' . $s[1])
+          break;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    if (!empty($loop))
+      $result[] = $loop;
+  }
+  return $result;
+$lang_udmedia['en']['mailloop'] = "You will create at least one e-mail loop with this forward <i>%s</i>:";
+$lang_udmedia['de']['mailloop'] = "Sie erzeugen mindestens eine E-Mail-Schleife mit dieser Weiterleitung <i>%s</i>:";
+function ltextud($identifier)
+  global $lang_udmedia;
+  global $shortlang;
+  $text = "";
+  if (isset($shortlang) && isset($lang_udmedia[$shortlang][$identifier]))
+    $text = $lang_udmedia[$shortlang][$identifier];
+  else if (isset($lang_udmedia['en'][$identifier]))
+    $text = $lang_udmedia['en'][$identifier];
+  $args = func_get_args();
+  array_shift($args);
+  if (!empty($text) && count($args))
+    $text = vsprintf($text, $args);
+  return $text;
+function call_user_func_array_reffix($name, &$args)
+  $refl = null;
+  if (is_array($name) && count($name) == 2 && is_object($name[0]) && is_string($name[1]))
+    $refl = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($name[0]), $name[1]);
+  else if (is_string($name))
+    $refl = new ReflectionFunction($name);
+  if ($refl == null)
+    return array();
+  $ret = array();
+  $params = $refl->getParameters();
+  for($i = 0; $i < count($args); ++$i)
+  {
+    if (isset($params[$i]) && $params[$i]->isPassedByReference())
+      $ret[$i] = &$args[$i];
+    else
+      $ret[$i] = $args[$i];
+  }
+  return $ret;
+function call_user_func_array2($name, $args)
+  return call_user_func_array($name, call_user_func_array_reffix($name, $args));
+if (!function_exists('session_register'))
+  function session_register()
+  {
+    $args = func_get_args();
+    foreach($args as $key)
+      $_SESSION[$key] = $GLOBALS[$key];
+  }
+  function session_is_registered($key)
+  {
+    return isset($_SESSION[$key]);
+  }
+  function session_unregister($key)
+  {
+    unset($_SESSION[$key]);
+  }