#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2007 Manuel Mausz (manuel@mausz.at) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.1'; use Mail::DKIM 0.29; use Mail::DKIM::Signer; # enable support for "pretty" signatures, if available eval 'require Mail::DKIM::TextWrap'; =head config file structure - missing settings will be merged from global - domain-entry will also match its subdomains - specify "none" in types-tag to omit signing dkim dkim domainkey =cut my $configfile = undef; $configfile = '/var/qmail/control/dkim/signconf.xml'; my $debugfile = undef; #$debugfile = '/tmp/dkim.debug'; my $qremote = '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote.orig'; my $binary = 0; our $config; $config->{'global'} = { types => 'dkim', keyfile => '/var/qmail/control/dkim/global.key', algorithm => 'rsa-sha256', method => 'simple', selector => 'beta', # either string or file (first line of file will be used) domain => '/var/qmail/control/me' }; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read config file. safely if (defined($configfile) && -r $configfile) { eval 'use XML::Simple'; if (!$@) { my $xmlconf; eval { $xmlconf = XMLin($configfile, ForceArray => 0); }; qexit_deferral('Unable to read config file: ', $@) if ($@); ConfigMerge::merge($config, $xmlconf); } } # open debug file my $debugfh = undef; if (defined($debugfile)) { open($debugfh, '>', $debugfile) or qexit_deferral('Unable to open ', $debugfile, ' to writing: ', $!); } # generate signatures my $dkim; my $mailbuf = ''; eval { my $conf = $config->{'global'}; $dkim = Mail::DKIM::Signer->new( Policy => 'MySignerPolicy', Debug_Canonicalization => $debugfh ); if ($binary) { binmode STDIN; } while () { $mailbuf .= $_; unless ($binary) { chomp $_; s/\015?$/\015\012/s; } $dkim->PRINT($_); } $dkim->CLOSE(); }; qexit_deferral('Error while signing: ', $@) if ($@); # close debug file close($debugfh) if (defined($debugfh)); # execute qmail-remote unshift(@ARGV, $qremote); open(QR, '|-') || exec { $ARGV[0] } @ARGV or qexit_deferral('Unable to run qmail-remote: ', $!); foreach my $dkim_signature ($dkim->signatures) { my $sig = $dkim_signature->as_string; $sig =~ s/\015\012\t/\012\t/g; print QR $sig."\012"; } print QR $mailbuf; close(QR); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub qexit { print @_, "\0"; exit(0); } sub qexit_deferral { return qexit('Z', @_); } sub qexit_failure { return qexit('D', @_); } sub qexit_success { return qexit('K', @_); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package ConfigMerge; our $VERSION = '0.1'; # merge config hashes. arrays and scalars will be copied. sub merge { my ($left, $right) = @_; foreach my $rkey (keys(%$right)) { my $rtype = ref($right->{$rkey}) eq 'HASH' ? 'HASH' : ref($right->{$rkey}) eq 'ARRAY' ? 'ARRAY' : 'SCALAR'; if (!defined($left->{$rkey}) || $rtype ne 'HASH') { $left->{$rkey} = $right->{$rkey}; } else { merge($left->{$rkey}, $right->{$rkey}); } } return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package MySignerPolicy; use Mail::DKIM::SignerPolicy; use base 'Mail::DKIM::SignerPolicy'; use Mail::DKIM::Signature; use Mail::DKIM::DkSignature; use Carp; our $VERSION = '0.1'; sub apply { my ($self, $signer) = @_; my $domain = undef; $domain = lc($signer->message_sender->host) if (defined($signer->message_sender)); # merge configs while($domain) { if (defined($config->{$domain})) { ConfigMerge::merge($config->{'global'}, $config->{$domain}); last; } (undef, $domain) = split(/\./, $domain, 2); } my $conf = $config->{'global'}; return 0 if (!defined($conf->{'types'}) || ($conf->{'types'}) eq 'none'); # set key file $signer->key_file($conf->{'keyfile'}); # parse (signature) domain if (substr($conf->{'domain'}, 0, 1) eq '/') { open(FH, '<', $conf->{'domain'}) or croak('Unable to open domain-file: '.$!); my $newdom = (split(/ /, ))[0]; close(FH); croak("Unable to read domain-file. Maybe empty file.") if (!$newdom); chomp($newdom); $conf->{'domain'} = $newdom; } # generate signatures my $types = (ref($conf->{'types'}) eq 'ARRAY') ? $conf->{'types'} : [ $conf->{'types'} ]; foreach my $type (@$types) { if ($type eq 'dkim') { $signer->add_signature( new Mail::DKIM::Signature( Algorithm => $conf->{'algorithm'} || $signer->algorithm, Method => $conf->{'method'} || $signer->method, Headers => $conf->{'headers'} || $signer->headers, Domain => $conf->{'domain'} || $signer->domain, Selector => $conf->{'selector'} || $signer->selector, Query => $conf->{'query'}, Identity => $conf->{'identity'}, Expiration => $conf->{'expiration'} ) ); } elsif ($type eq 'domainkey') { $signer->add_signature( new Mail::DKIM::DkSignature( Algorithm => 'rsa-sha1', # only rsa-sha1 supported Method => $conf->{'method'} || $signer->method, Headers => $conf->{'headers'} || $signer->headers, Domain => $conf->{'domain'} || $signer->domain, Selector => $conf->{'selector'} || $signer->selector, Query => $conf->{'query'} ) ); } } return 1; }